
Yard Development

The BOM have spent the Aldi €50, 000 prize money on a new Astro playing surface at the front of the
school. The surface has soccer, GAA and Basketball goals. In addition to this a new set of soccer, GAA and Basketball goals were installed on the playground at the back of the school. The existing basketball goals were moved to the side of the yard. New netting will be installed behind these goals in the near future. New line markings have finished off the yard development. In addition to this the BOM have installed a new fence along by the road and the school gates will be extended shortly. We also hope to purchase some new benches with a view to having a space for an outdoor classroom. 

Photographs of various aspects of the yard can be seen on the Gallery Tab of the website. 

The BOM wishes to remind everyone that the school grounds are for the use of pupils enrolled in this school, during school hours, when the school is open. The school grounds are not open to the public and even pupils enrolled in this school cannot use school grounds outside of school hours. This includes evenings, weekends and school holidays. 

Re-Opening/ September 2021

St. Joseph's N.S., Leitrim Village, will re-open for all pupils on Wednesday 1st September
2021. A detailed e-mail will be sent to all parents prior to re-opening. 

Pupils enrolled in St. Joseph's N.S., Leitrim Village and their parents are only allowed on school grounds during the school day, during the school term.

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